Ed Ringwald, also known as Pee Wee Charles, is a celebrated steel guitar player who has significantly influenced the Canadian country music scene for over five decades. He has won the CCMA Steel Guitar Player of the Year award five times and is an inductee of the CCMA Musicians Hall of Honour. Ed's career includes performances at prestigious venues worldwide and collaborations with renowned artists like Ian Tyson, Gordon Lightfoot, and Anne Murray.
His passion for the pedal steel guitar began in childhood after seeing a concert, leading him to study under Reece Anderson in Texas. In 1974, Gordon Lightfoot invited Ed to play on his "Cold on the Shoulder" album, which led to the hit "Sundown," reaching number 1 on the Billboard charts. Ed's contributions to Gordon's music required a more unconventional approach to the steel guitar, and songs like "Rainy Day People" became top 5 singles primarily due to Ed's playing. He then joined the Lightfoot band and toured extensively for the next 16 years, contributing to albums that sold over 20 million copies. He also pioneered the first MIDI steel guitar, showcasing innovative techniques to prominent musicians.
Though he took time off to focus on family, Ed returned to music with George Canyon and co-founded The Western Swing Authority, continuing to tour and record. Ed's extensive collaboration with various artists highlights his versatility, and he remains a positive force in promoting steel guitar and Canadian country music while being a supportive figure for emerging artists.
Ed Ringwald has been a dedicated user of the original BENADO PF-Steel Dream for several years.